Friday, March 19, 2010

Social condition of Europe in 19th century.

In 19th century, many things were changed in Europe. As the industrial revolution went through Europe, there was acceleration of urbanization. During urbanization, there were some problems like overcrowding and concentration of poor, poor quaility housing, loack of runnin water and sanitation, lack of ventilation and light, all of which contributes to the sperad of disease and to social tenstions. In rural society, there were growing importance of commercial famrming and growing role of merchants and other "capitalists" in agriculture society, and there were problems of rural overcowding and rural poverty.

In 1800s, there wre new social classes in Europe, the middle class and workin classes. In the middle class, there were bankers, industrialists, professionals, merchants, managers, etc. It was an uplift of class but ironically the meregence of another class, the working class.

There was a huge improvement of the social condition of Europe in 19th century after the revolutions, but as some got richer and richer, some got poorer and poorer. It made a huge gap between them.

-Wonyoung Sohn

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